As part of Kuzbass REC priority direction "Healthy Man In The Industrial Region" implementation, scientists from Kemerovo State University, together with collegues from the National Medical Research Radiologcal Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Moscow), launched a website тестрака.рф. The project was created with the aim of identifying the disease in the early stages and its surgical treatment. All visitors will be able to take a rapid cancer test, get the necessary list of recomendations for a particular tumor localozation and find out which of the Kemerovo clinics to contact for futher diagnostics. During the course of online communication experts will be able to analyze the previously proposed treatment strategy. For the sake of convenience users can upload photos of tumor localozation and ask the doctors any questions they have. After passing the online testing users cand decide to continue the examination in acordance with the clinical guidelines set by the Ministry of Health. It should be noted that a laboratory for new thermal methods in oncology has been operating on the basis of Kemerovo State University since 2018. The research supervisor is Ilya Vasilchenko, head of the head and neck tumors deparment of the Kuzbass Clinical Oncological Dispensary (Kemerovo), Associate Professor of the Physiology and Genetics department of KemSU, Candidate of Medical Science. The laboratory cooperates with the National Medical Research Radiologcal Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Moscow).
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