The Institute of Philology, Foreign Languages and Media Communications is a new structural division of Kemerovo State University founded in 2016 by combining the Faculty of Philology and Journalism and the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology.
The Faculty of Philology and Journalism
The Faculty started in 1949 within the Faculty of History and Philology at Kemerovo Pedagogical Institute. In 1953, it gained independence as the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature at Kemerovo State Pedagogical Institute. In 1974, it was renamed the Faculty of Philology at Kemerovo State University. Finally, it became the Faculty of Philology and Journalism in 1993, following the foundation of the Department of Journalism. The Faculty’s alumni include over 180 candidates of sciences, 15 doctors of sciences, and more than 3,000 graduates with higher philological education.
The Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology
1962: the Faculty of Foreign Languages was founded at Kemerovo Pedagogical Institute. The graduates from Gorky Pedagogical Institute came to train teachers for Kemerovo schools.
1974: the Faculty of Foreign Languages was renamed the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology.
More than 7000 philologists, teachers of foreign languages and literature, translators and interpreters have graduated from the faculty. The Faculty’s alumni include more than 100 candidates of science and 10 doctors of science.
2016: the Institute of Philology, Foreign Languages and Media Communications was established on the basis of these two faculties.
The Institute is proud of its alumni renowned for their significant contribution to science (Sergey Proskurin, Ivan Esaulov, Galina Elizarova, etc.), literature (Vladimir Sokolov, Alexander Ibragimov, etc.), education (Tatiana Volodkina, Ludmila Urmanova, etc.) politics (Tatiana Alexeyeva), theater and mass media (Evgeniy Grishkovets, Vadim Takmenev, etc.)
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Настоящим в соответствии с Федеральным законом от 27 июля 2006г. № ФЗ-152 «О защите персональных данных» я подтверждаю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных.
Персональные данные – любая информация, относящаяся к определенному или определяемому на основании такой информации физическому лицу (субъекту персональных данных), в том числе его фамилия, имя, отчество, год, месяц, дата и место рождения, адрес, семейное, имущественное положение, образование, профессия, доходы, другая информация. Обработка персональных данных – действия (операции) с персональными данными, включая сбор, систематизацию, накопление, хранение, уточнение (обновление, изменение), использование, распространение (в том числе передачу), обезличивание, блокирование, уничтожение, проверку персональных данных.
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