World-Class Research and Academic Centre "Kuzbass" Kuzbass is one of the five regions chosen as bases for world-class research and academic centres in Russia World-Class Research and Academic Centre "Kuzbass" develops best practices in the sphere of rational, energy-saving, and sustainable development on the basis of knowledge intensive technologies of mineral extraction and advanced processing, cutting-edge mechanical engineering, clean energy, coal handling and storage Programme sponsor Grant recipient #clean coal – #green Kuzbass.
Figures and members 286 patents of invention 850 Scopus and Web of Science publications 550 million roubles – performed scope of works Achievements of the Research and Academic Centre "Kuzbass" in 2016– 2018 Leading academic organisations of higher education and research centres Real economy enterprises. Key initiative of the Research and Academic Centre "Kuzbass": #clean coal – #green Kuzbass Activity areas of the Research and Academic Centre "Kuzbass" follow the Scientific and Technical Guidelines of the Russian Federation:
1. Transition to environmentally friendly and resource-saving energy; efficiency upgrade of production and advanced processing of hydrocarbons; new sources of energy, handling and storage methods.
2. Transition to personalised medicine, high-tech healthcare and health-saving technologies.
3. Effective response of Russian society to major challenges in the spheres of man and nature / technology interaction and social institutions at the present stage of global development. Activity areas of the Research and Academic Centre "Kuzbass": Digital mining enterprise, Digital Ob-Irtysh Basin, Mine operating robotic systems, Comprehensive mineral processing of low-grade coal and by-product coal, Efficiency upgrade of coal handling, Social change strategies in resource-type regions, Clean coal technologies, Health-saving biochemical technologies, Development and production of medical equipment for cardiovascular surgery.
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