The Institute of Food Technology was established in 1980 from two faculties: the Faculty of Meat Technology and Meat Products and the Faculty of Food Production.
Much of the research focuses on the use of local and unconventional raw materials in various branches of the food industry, theoretical research into the primary stages of photosynthesis, magnetic and spin effects in chemical reactions and theoretical issues of magnetic resonance.
Scientists from Europe and the CIS countries give lectures to future young professionals on the topics of the main areas of research conducted at the institute.
The Institute’s departments work in close contact with sectoral research institutes and educational institutions in their respective fields.
Students are actively involved in research, starting in their junior year. Each year, about 20% of graduates are recommended by the State Examination Commission to publish and implement their research.
The teaching process at the Institute is constantly being improved. In addition to traditional lectures, laboratory and practical classes, teachers use business games, elements of problem-based and problem-solving learning. This facilitates students’ adaptation to the future workplace.
The teachers of the institute maintain regular business contacts with food enterprises in Siberia, the Urals and the Far East to provide consulting assistance, seminars, etc. This expands opportunities for on-the-job training and further employment of the department's graduates.
Upon graduation, students can work in a variety of food processing enterprises ; in research and controlling organizations.
The knowledge gained enables graduates to work as technologists, production managers and supervisors in both large and small companies. Many graduates start their own small businesses.
Graduates who wish to pursue a career in science and who have shown significant academic and research achievements have the opportunity to pursue postgraduate studies after completing their Master's degree.
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Персональные данные – любая информация, относящаяся к определенному или определяемому на основании такой информации физическому лицу (субъекту персональных данных), в том числе его фамилия, имя, отчество, год, месяц, дата и место рождения, адрес, семейное, имущественное положение, образование, профессия, доходы, другая информация. Обработка персональных данных – действия (операции) с персональными данными, включая сбор, систематизацию, накопление, хранение, уточнение (обновление, изменение), использование, распространение (в том числе передачу), обезличивание, блокирование, уничтожение, проверку персональных данных.
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